why a blog

So why a blog? I never thought of myself as the blogger type. I didn’t really understand the appeal of writing down your personal feelings for everyone to see. If not my feelings then my opinions, who wants to read that? Well like the cigarette ads of my youth used to say “you’ve come a long way baby”.

To date I have been unable to keep any kind of journal, and it’s not because I don’t have thoughts or opinions rolling around up there. I’ve just never been organized enough to sit down and consistently keep one. The whole ‘who would want to read it’ aspect doesn’t concern me anymore. Maybe no one, maybe just a few friends who know me so well anything I write will be something they have already heard me say. I’m not doing this for the attention. This I’m doing for me.

How about I begin with one thing, a proverbial toe in the water. I love India. I will go there and hopefully not just once. I actually have an uncle who is Indian and originally from Mumbai (previously know as Bombay) and I remember always loving his accent, his gentle demeanor, his charm, his mischievousness! Growing up in Buffalo, New York the hardest thing was the winter lasted too long and was way too gray. India is so sunny, so bright, so colorful it just seems to always be calling me. I am not naive about it’s harsh realities, some of which physically pain me, but I feel hope for it, I have faith in it… just like I do for my own homeland.

Ganges river

Ganges river

1 Comment

  1. mamajinx said,

    March 10, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    more more!

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